Five Minute Friday: Embrace

The Pilgrimage Starts at Your Front Door

Embrace the adventure
Embrace the set back

Embrace the detour
Embrace the shortcut

They are both an illusion 
The pilgrimage and all its lessons

Began with the whisper of a barely audible

Make a schedule 
Go ahead it is a useful discipline

But if you don't 
Embrace that too

Learning trust, interdependency and faith
Will just take another shape.

Embrace the delays, the disappointments
Embrace the checklists, the maps, the books

Just hold them lightly
Don't squeeze too tightly 

There is a chance
Almost certainly you will discover

The journey you prepared for 
was never yours to make. 


  1. Profound. I love the way you straddle the dichotomy of the ways we comfort ourselves against the unknown - preparing and procrastinating. Such a great poem!

  2. Thank you Emma for your thoughtful comment! I have been exhausted and sick all week and have not been able to train. The thought of walking for six hours a day is feeling incredibly daunting. It is becoming more and more apparent God is in control of this pilgrimage no matter what I bring to the table...really its a metaphor for life in general isn't it?

  3. When are you doing the Camino? I've heard it's amazing (and hard!) Sorry to hear of your setbacks. I love that you're writing them out and I hope the process brings perspective for the journey. Blessings! In spot #49.

    1. Hi Christina, I'm completed the Camino this July and it was hard, but amazing! I'm continuing to re-live it and mine it for lessons here on the blog this fall. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. This was exactly my Camino experience. I seriously marvel at how beautiful this poetry communicates. Truly inspired.

    1. Thank you so much! Having completed the journey it now feels a little prophetic, like I had the answers all along, I just had to make the pilgrimage to believe it.


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