In the Cathedral of the Eucalyptus (2/2015)

Well into the third mile I am out of breath
But still reeling. 
In the
Cathedral of the Eucalyptus Grove
I will not be  censored.
Pent up emotions 
Explode from my chest
Shaking my vocal folds,
Demanding my tongue give them shape.

The Angelus? 
This is what I am screaming
Over the din of a nearby chain saw 
(It is almost noon on Sunday; it is a tradition that I miss )
The ground quakes with the crash of another tree. In the cathedral the wind sounds like the trees are weeping 
For their executed kin. 

My eyes fixed on the icons 
revealed in the shapes of fluffy clouds.
Pleading with the Immaculate Holy Mother to Intercede on my behalf.
I enumerate my ill defined grievances Disappointment, hurt and anger
The cruelty abandonment and fear. 

Some of which I have confessed
(but keep reclaiming)
Others I am not ready to confess
Then there are those I do not want to admit I should have to Confess at all. 
Sins against my fellow travelers on this journey
Sins against societal constructs, 
Sins against the standard operating procedures 
of this post modern, western civilization. 
Sins possibly against God,most likely against Others
And most certainly 
Against myself.
Right and wrong
Good and bad; 
Relative terms or absolutes defined by
No more than the whims of 
culture, law, politics, fads and religion?
How trustworthy are the dictates of my own conscious? Are there exceptions? Can we bargain in light of our faulty institutions?

Holy Mother Church
Bride of Christ
Entrusted with the solemn duty to interpret 
God for mankind.
She has been marginalized.
Her message hijacked.

Established to continue the ministry of 
Christ here on earth, 
For temporal security, power and wealth
She has been so badly abused by her protectors. 
She has been shamed, twisted and manipulated All in the name of love.

Robed men in councils
Write encyclicals with 
Authoritative definiteness 
Paternalistic Fathers speak on her behalf 

Dictating to a sleepy laity
Trickle down gospel 
Diluted like Sunday School apple juice.
More has been done to make God
In our own image than to revel in the 
Grandeur of his.  

She waits patiently
They no longer understand, 
Quietly watching with loving compassion
How will it all play out?
Her curators
Her protectors
Her defenders
The message of the ages, 
Lost in translation. 

Holy Mother Church,
Light perpetual illuminates her threshold.
Her offspring coming and going
At all hours parce her words 
Until only piecemeal denominations of 
Partial truths remain.

How calm
How patient, 
Is the elephant 
Humanity struggles in self-imposed 
to comprehend. 
Here in this cathedral
Still obscured by trees and
Pink heart- shaped leaves
It is revealing itself 
Bit by wrinkled bit.

The weight of guilt heavy now 
The familiar pressure of imminent tears 
Brought back to basics
(pleading like a Dickensian orphan),
"Give me this day my daily bread 
(My conscious has found her voice )
Forgive me my trespasses 
(My particular poison is enough for me to avoid: )
Lead me not into temptation
(It is so pervasive)
Deliver me from evil." 

Inhaling deeply 
There is forgiveness 
Dare I say 
Absolution in this place 
Hail Mary full of
Grace, the 
Lord is with thee...
My lungs fill with the scent of mentholated diesel 
(it won't be long now, the demands for new housing will take down this little cathedral too)
Exhaling “Holy Mary Mother of God 
Pray for us sinners
And at the hour of our death.”

Standing, stretching on a stump, tightening my shoelaces.
Inhale Hail Mary…
Exhale Blessed art thou..
Faster and faster each footfall
Making my way towards home
Inhale: Blessed is the fruit…
Exhale : Holy Mary Mother of God …
A rosary on the run. 


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