5 Minute Friday Link up Stuck

Once again, 5 minutes was just the tip of the iceberg, just the push I needed to get me back in the game. The morning has long passed me by crafting and creating dare I say, I got "stuck" re-envisioning what it means to be "stuck". Apologies in advance this became much more than a 5-minute write (or read), but I'm so glad your hear and hope it speaks to you all the same. 


The striving incongruencies of now
clash with the yet unmet
future expectations.
The me I want to be vs.
the me I am right
has pulled the emergency brake.
Now is demanding she be heard.
But there is so much to be done.
A list with roots and tentacles is
threatening to strangle.
Day after day pushing through
The fog with deliberate plodding steps
What would happen if
I just stopped?

Is a call to action
but not the way you think.
A call to rest.
A call to stop.
A call to surrender and release.
Stuck is a brick wall.
You cannot argue or bargain, reschedule or put it off.
Rail against scream with snotty rage-fueled tears
Complain loud and long about the unfair unjustness
It is just a wall.
It cannot hear.
Try to scale it at your own peril.
Inevitably you end up bruised and broken.

Insists you come to the end of yourself and
all the distractions
all external solutions.
Stuck demands nothing less than complete attention.
Consumed there is nothing else
Listen to what she is saying!

Slide your back down the hard, cold wall
sit in the dirt.
The wall strong, unyielding
against your rib cage
feel it expand with every breath.
you see the tiny buttercups beside you.
Notice tenacious violets
sprouting from the mortar moss.
Trace the path of ants,
like a finger labyrinth,
entry to a wordless prayer.
Inhale nature teeming molecules of life
the hint of lilac.
Pull it into your memory.
                                                                                    Let it bathe your weary soul.

Right here is where you need to be
Hand on your heart.
Hand on your belly.
Life and love grow from broken places.
Feel the Spirit move over the waters
the ongoing act of creation
regeneration, renewal, rebirth.
Words thoughts agendas expectations
sink beneath the glassy surface.

Inhale peace
exhale presence.
See how you are held.
Follow the still small voice
wafting whispered wordless whiffs.
Rest in this place.
Relent to the present.
To be

Is a practice of trust
You will know when and how to move.
A practice of faith
You are enough
as is
nothing else is needed.

a gift
a reminder
a mercy
an opportunity to unburden, unpack
Take all the time you need
listen to the wisdom of the violets.

Abandon yourself to wonder
see with resurrected eyes
brick becomes porous as you move right on through.


  1. Beautiful imagery and insights in your poem. A lovely read, indeed.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    1. Thank you so much Wendy, I appreciate your sweet words, glad you stopped by!


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