Five Minute Friday: Common (better late than never)

The language of
Lowest common denominator.
Flying from both sides.

Commonsense is hiding somewhere
Perhaps under a pile of tweets
Riling up injustice
This is no time for sleep.

Commonplace fear mongering
Coming at us in every direction
Long before this election
Catastrophe dominated the news cycle.

But on Wednesday morning
We had our scapegoat!
Point the fingers!
Absorb the sound bites!

He is the face of all
social ills
the poster child of

The stereo-typic Climate change denier
(How shall I prepare for California to erode into the Pacific Ocean?)
A simple target for all the
Undeniable evil
For all our shame and fear.

But rest assured my thoughtful friends
No nothing is so simple.

The historical record is clear
The moral limbo sick for our politicians
Is a very low bar.
All back bends and contortions:
The rules are relative
Crowds cheer and riot as they expertly slip underneath.

She is a crook!
He is an impulsive bigot!
He says in public what
She does in private.
Two sides of the same
Common currency.

Bombastic ...Manipulative

So we chose our poison
Ingested the rhetoric we felt
Was least abhorrent
Now we vomit talking points.
Hungover we return to the bottle
"hair of the dog".

The truth?
In politics
All a matter of perspective
At any given moment.

The work for us commoners?
Since the beginning of the week
(last month, last year)
It hasn't changed one bit

Maybe the election is a reminder
If you had forgotten about your neighbor
If you were unaware of the vulnerability of the poor
If you had begun to take privilege for granted.

The call to care hasn't changed
The greatest of these is still LOVE!
Do you care more now that all the injustice is
packaged neatly, in one narcissistic, red-faced man ?

The common wealth of our communities
Is incumbent upon the
Common law of
Common sense.

We are stronger together.
We are all everyone of us,
Shades of murky grey.

Our commonalities will buoy us.
Our shared humanity the balm.
We all drink from the same shared chalice of
Companionship and death.

We are desperately seeking nourishment.
We are searching for purpose.
We are gnawing at the stale heel of belonging.

His policies or
Either way results in mistakes
Big ones!
Bureaucracy, it doesn't matter whose

Hug your people tight
See your humanity reflected
In the eyes of everyone you meet
Especially your enemies
This is how you learn to love them.

There is none who is righteous
No not one.
This world in the active labor of redemption
Creation is still becoming.

Despite our adherence to arbitrary divisions
(Whether we acknowledge it or not)
With one voice our planet collectively cries

Kyrie eleison
Lord have mercy upon us
Christi eleison
Christ have mercy upon us


  1. I'm pretty sure I agree with what you said, but I'm going to have to go read it a third time to make sure. That's an amazing summary of pretty much all I've felt this week. Thanks.

    Melinda (#78 at FMF)

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! I really appreciate knowing that this resonates with you too (I kinda crammed in everything but the kitchen sink!!)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Rebecca, visiting you from fmfw, no 74.
    "The call to care hasn't changed
    The greatest of these is still LOVE!"
    Such a clear truth. Thanks for expressing it so well. And thank you for coming and visiting me. It was lovely to "meet you" xx

    1. Hi Kara, I'm so glad you stopped by. Back to basics right? Thanks so much for the feedback. It was great to meet you too, looking forward to seeing you again soon on the next link-up!

  4. I can't get over this: "we are gnawing at the stale heel of belonging." Ughh. So good. Thank you for sharing this and the last part reminded me of this song: ❤️

    We're neighbors on fmf :)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! The song is a beautiful version of the Kyrie, just haunting! Look forward to checking out your blog too.


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