Five Minute (or so) Friday: Accept

(Start 8:20)
The Space Between

In acceptance there is rest 
Way marking Asturias, Spain on the Northern route
 of the Camino De Santiago de Compostesla

Floating safe secure 
The waves
Let them come 
The water will not harm 
Protection is infinite 
Rest in "God's good and perfect will"
Accept (except)

We "rage against the dying of the light"
Rail against  injustice 
"Fight the good fight"
Don't give up 
Swim against the tide 
Make our own path 

"In this world you will have troubles" 
"My yoke is easy and my burden is light"
Either- Or
Paradox: accept - strive 
Faith: trust the sign posts 
(Clear as little yellow arrows 
Hiding in plain sight)
Prayer: a moment by moment choice  
Step out of the boat!
Feel the cold water soak through my socks
Accept the out stretched hand
In whom I "live and move and 
have my being"
Free from the compulsion to
Sort out 
All the petty differences.

(End 8:31 getting closer to 5mins)
With a nod to: Romans 12:2, Dylan Thomas, I Timothy 6:12, John 16:33, Matthew 11:30, Richard Rohr , Matthew 14:29, Acts 17:28


  1. Wow, you did well to write all of that in 11 minutes. I'm impressed. Poetry takes me much longer to get down on paper. I particularly love how you interjected Scripture in between thoughts. Isn't that how real life is? Thinking, recalling, thinking, reciting, thinking, "but God..."

    Have a great week!
    Shauna (I'm your neighbour this week in the FMF line-up.)

    1. Hi Shauna, Thanks for stopping in! I so appreciate your comment. I go through seasons where whole poems just fall in my lap (of course I spent a little more time getting in onto the blog) I'm trying to ride wave of creativity and hope it lasts through the write 31 day challenge. You are exactly right about scripture, I have some issues with the way I was "encouraged" to memorize as a child, but now it really is part and parcel of my internal monologue and for that I am eternally grateful.

  2. This is great- I really enjoyed reading your poem and all the Scripture references you included.

  3. This poem speaks to me especially this evening. The paradox of experiencing trouble in the world and the easy and light nature of transcending it is indeed a mystery to also accept. Thank you for writing this.

  4. “… the paradox is one of our most valued spiritual possessions,…” Carl Jung


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