Day 6 June 21 Santander rest day 6.85 miles walked

At stunning painting of pilgrims in the Cathedral in Santander

I asked for directions, he walked me there himself and told me an unforgettable story


I should have died I was not supposed to live
My father built my coffin
I came early at seven months
I am blessed my family says 

How can I not encourage him to continue?
Eight decades in the making
This story practically tell itself

There were two famous bothers, both bishops
One saint one scoundrel
I was an acolyte for the saint he blessed me
I have prayed for his help and received miracles

I ask for clarification repetition and we gesture with intensity 
Metaphors and hyperbole? Or facts on a timeline?
More like magical realism “One hundred years of Solitude"
Every character a symbol representing something else

The bishop got me into seminary, my family didn’t have money
(you know Santillana Del Mar, you will pass through it soon)
On a cliffs above the beach a huge wave pulled me into the sea

Debería haber muerto but (I should have died)
No more than bloody knuckles 
When I washed up on the shore
I’m indestructible …or so my family says

But you didn’t join the church? A girl -of course
How very sweet , sixty years is quite a feat
My husband? Sí el va ser un sacredote católico (yes he is going to be a catholic priest)
And now it his turn to look incredulous as I do my best to explain

Debería haber muerto when I was hit by a car 
Laying on the road thinking my young wife and children all alone
But only a broken collar bone
See yo soy indestructible (the word is spelled the same but has much more flare in Spanish)

He’s cheated death and he is proud
His eyes sparkle reliving past adventure
He radiates gratitude for the life he wrangled
Why be afraid? Why worry? You will be just fine!
Debería haber muerto when I was a bus driver
I rolled an empty bus one winter on the ice
Broke my tibia, my back, my foot
Doctors told my family I would never walk again

In my bed I fought the pain they were wrong
One tiny step by step and I got stronger
Now I walk three miles everyday (at least)
They didn’t know soy indestructible

I receive his blessing: go in strength and peace
His name is Santo (I couldn't make this up)
My sweaty face in his hands like a daughter kisses me on both cheeks
Tu cuerpo y tu espíritu … eres indestructible también
(Your body your spirit you are indestructible too)

*One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez 1967 defined the literary genre of magical realism

Please click on a photo to more easily enlarge and scroll through 
The gardens outside the downstairs chapel of the cathedral
The smaller downstairs chapel where daily mass is celebrated
Light and shadow of the blessed sacrament during eucharistic adoration in the cathedral
A quote from my favorite Henry Nouwen book, which showed up at just the right moment.

A stunning outdoor photo exhibit in the Plaza Porticada by Sebastiao Salgado, click the link for his TED Talk
A far more beautiful name for hydrangeas which were growing wild all over the Camino
"Lord have mercy upon us"

Santo walked his own camino and I was learning to walk mine, had I gone to the beach with my friends, I never would have met him and certainly would have gotten more sunburned. A day of writing, exploring and relaxing were just what I needed. 


  1. Love your courage and adventures! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Karen! It really was amazing I feel like I'm just conveying the tip of the iceberg here. So appreciate you stopping by and commenting!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, I really appreciate your feedback. 💗


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